We take our reputation seriously, we buy and sell online, so we understand the value of trust. If you are unsatisfied with your order, please contact us and we will work with you to resolve it to your satisfaction.
We accept returns for up to 30 days after you have received your purchase.
All returns must be in the original condition including tags and packaging.
To initiate a return, simply open a return request through eBay by selecting from the drop-down menu next to your order on the Purchase History page.
We will provide you with an RMA # and the address to mail the return to once the return request is opened.
If you purchase the return label through eBay, we will automatically be notified of the tracking number.
However, if you ship it yourself, please add the tracking number to the return portal.
Returns are processed within 2 business days of receipt.
Refunds will be processed to your original payment method.
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